I'm trying to complete my query with one additional criteria in select. This is how it looks now
SELECT TOP 1 filesize
FROM [inventorydatabase].[inv].[softwareview]
WHERE version = s.version
AND PathName = s.ExecutablePath
) AS 'Size'
FROM tblApplications ca
INNER JOIN tblSoftware s ON s.Software = cs.Software
INNER JOIN tblComputer c ON ca.CompID = c.CompID
So this query gives me out result if I have match in both version
tables and both path
...but I need to add additional criteria so that it give me result of 'Size' even if I have only match in both pathname = s.executablepath
Because there some applications with no version available and it just gives me NULL
under Size
Hope someone help me to resolve this issue.
Assuming that "there some applications with no version available" means version is null, then the sub query would be:
select top (1) filesize
from [inventorydatabase].[inv].[softwareview]
where pathName = s.ExecutablePath and (
version = s.version or
version is null