Search code examples Editor on Jupyter : pdb.set_trace raises BdbQuit Error

Using my project (v13.0.2) > EDITOR-Tab , which redirects me to, when i want to debug using import pdb; pdb.set_trace(), it raises a BdbQuit Error :

  File "/usr/lib/python3.6/", line 113, in 
    if self.quitting: raise BdbQuit

In the past versions :, i could use pdb.set_trace() to debug my python code. How to solve this issue ?


  • rpdb is a remote debugger based on pdb. It re-routes stdin and stdout to a socket handler, so that you can debug server processes (remotely).

    In > yourstagingBranch, click on the SHELL-tab:

    mywebsite-oerp-staging-5070461 [staging/v13.0]:~$ pip3 install rpdb

    In > yourstagingBranch, click on the EDITOR-tab:


    • At the top of your python file, add:
        import rpdb
    • In the function (def subscribe) to be inspected, add:
        def subscribe(self, event, **post):
            # code before
            # code after
    • Click on menu Tab : Odoo>Update current module : alternatively, open a new Terminal window and execute this command: odoo-bin -u website_sale --stop-after-init
        mywebsite-oerp-staging-5070461 [staging/v13.0]: odoo-bin -u website_sale --stop-after-init
    • After having restarted Odoo (all modules loaded), execute this command in the other Terminal window: nc 4444
        mywebsite-oerp-staging-5070461 [staging/v13.0]: ~$ nc 4444
    • We can then use the common pdb commands:

    l(ist): Lists the lines surrounding the current line

    w(here): Displays the file and line number where we currently are

    s(tep): Step into the function at the current line

    n(ext): Continue execution until the next line in the current function is reached or it returns. (The difference between next and step is that step stops inside a called function, while next executes called functions at (nearly) full speed, only stopping at the next line in the current function.)

    a(rgs): Print the argument list of the current function

    p(rint) variablename : Print value of variablename

    quit : To quit rPdb

    More info : Official documentation (commands) :


    OR, alternatively : Using this post How to debug python CLI that takes stdin? :

    1. in>EDITOR (Jupyter Lab): Open a first Terminal and create these two fifos which will be used as stdin/stdout to use pdb :

       mkfifo fifo_stdin
       mkfifo fifo_stdout
       cat fifo_stdout & cat > fifo_stdin

    ...which makes appear a prompt cursor. Keep this Terminal Tab opened.

    1. Write these 2 lines at the top of the Python script to be debugged :

       import pdb
       mypdb=pdb.Pdb(stdin=open('fifo_stdin','r'), stdout=open('fifo_stdout','w'))
    2. In this Python script, call set_trace() on your customized mypdb:

      def _get_total_amount(self):     
         total_amount = sum(self._get_base_order_lines(program).mapped('price_total')) 
         return total_amount
