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github pages ignoring 2022 dates in liquid {{ }}?? fine in local host

Using Jekyll to build a site, I have discrepancies between my local build and what GitHub pages renders.

I have a .html layout that uses the date property of the page for the title:

<h1>Meeting notes - {{ | date_to_string }}</h1>

and the date is obtained thanks to the page's name YYYY-MM-DD-notes.html.

I then use a for loop to parse through all the meetings I have in site.meetings and display all meeting notes after one another in a meetings.html page.

My last two files are called: 2021-12-07-notes.html and 2022-01-18-notes.html so the first two titles in my meetings page should be:
Meeting notes - 18 Jan 2022
Meeting notes - 07 Dec 2021

Which is indeed what I get in my local build (along with all the previous ones, first meeting being in 2019).

But what GitHub pages renders is:
Meeting notes -
Meeting notes - 07 Dec 2021

As if he couldn't 'see' the 2022 date. Still working fine with all previous dates btw and again, on the local build.

Could someone explain this weird behavior?


  • Ok this was simply because I didn't have the right file name.

    The file was actually called and not which made GitHub pages not recognise the date. Apparently my local jekyll is a bit more tolerant.