Chrome websites offers only download for the latest version. However it is sometimes necessary to debug a web app against an older version of Chrome.
There are several third-party sites (as mentioned in that allows to download Chrome binaries but I don't want to download from those third-party for security reasons.
So the question is is there some way to download older versions of Chrome from a google managed server?
Older version of Chrome are not publicly available but you can find and download the matching Chromium binaries from the Chromium build server.
To do so follow the procedure below (derived from Chromium wiki):
1/ Find the Full Version Number
You can lookup the full version number matching a release by searching in the Chrome Releases Blog
2/ Find the Branch Base Position
Use the "Version Information" tool to find a Branch Base Position for the Full Version number. To do that enter the Full Version Number and press lookup. If the version returns an empty Branch Base Position try increment the last component of the version until you get a Branch Base Version.
Looking up 69.0.3497.81
retrieves no Branch Base Position
But looking up 69.0.3497.82
retrieves Branch Base Position: 576753
3/ Download the content for Branch Base Position and platform
Then download the content from the url where you replaced your platform and Branch Base Position value.[platform]/[Branch Base Position]/
Where [platform] is either "Win_x64", "Linux_x64" or "Mac"
for Chrome 69 on Linux