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Standardized md5 hashing in typescript (Angular)

I am trying to generate an id that is generated in the backend, in the frontend (not the best of practices, I know). The id is an Md5 hash of several (dynamically generated, i.e, I don't know the hash in advance) strings concatenated together. So what I tried to do is to use the Md5 class (in ts-md5/dist/md5) to create an Md5 hash:

getId(s1: string, s2: string, s3: string) : string {
    return Md5.hashStr(`${s1}/${s2}/${s3}`);

But, the hash returned by the backend did not match the hash returned by getId().

Here is how I create the hash in the backend (Python):

id = hashlib.md5("some_string_seed".encode("utf-8")).hexdigest()

I thought that maybe the problem is in the encoding, but adding encoding didn't change anything:

encode_utf8( s )
  return unescape( encodeURIComponent( s ) );
return Md5.hashStr(encode_utf8(`${s1}/${s2}/${s3}`));

I tried some basic examples but the hashes just don't match.

How do I make the hashes the same? (cannot modify the backend)


  • The solution for me was to use crypto-js, whose md5 hashing algorithm produces the same result as the hashlib, Python library.