Pretty much the title, when I call (through the hpp header) instance.enumeratePhysical devices()
I am getting the warning:
MESA-INTEL: warning: Haswell Vulkan support is incomplete
Thing is, that's not a validation layer error (my error message would append a lot of info not present here), it's not one of my print statements, and I have not even picked the device yet, once I have picked one it's my nvidia 1070.
Why is this message showing?
Why is this message showing?
Because the "anvil" ICD (the Intel Vulkan driver from the mesa project) is present on your system and detected an Intel iGPU from the Haswell generation. This is basically what the physical device enumeration is about: checking all the installed ICDs and finding all the devices on your machine they can work with. In this particular case, there is just a log message in the ICD source code itself. There's nothing to worry about.