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SSRS expression: How to put a line break after a special character for an address that is in a table column

I have a table in SSRS that has multiple addresses, they are all difficult to read and I was wondering if there was a way a line break could be added.

All the addresses start with a 2) or 3) or 1) so a closed bracket would be the marker where the line breaks should occur, removing the ).

Current format; 5)Passenger Lifts - Insurance - The High St 5-16- due - 28 Jan 22, 5)Passenger Lifts - Insurance - 6 Lovedale Road Flats- due - 09 Sep 21, 5)Passenger Lifts - Insurance - Queens Court 1 - 31 BLOCK- due - 14 Jan 22

Required format;

Passenger Lifts - Insurance - The High St 5-16- due - 28 Jan 22,
Passenger Lifts - Insurance - 6 Lovedale Road Flats- due - 09 Sep 21,
Passenger Lifts - Insurance - Queens Court 1 - 31 BLOCK- due - 14 Jan 22

Any tips and tricks appreciated


  • I didn't test it in VBA, but it functions in Regex101 and is something like this through Regex Replace:

    EDIT on 02/04/2022: I managed to get a VBA editor, and put things more DRY and SOLID...

    Public Sub TestReplaceThroughRegex()
      Dim strOutput As String
      strOutput = _
        ReplaceThroughRegex( _
            "5)Passenger Lifts - Insurance - The High St 5-16- due - 28 Jan 22, 5)Passenger Lifts - Insurance - 6 Lovedale Road Flats- due - 09 Sep 21, 5)Passenger Lifts - Insurance - Queens Court 1 - 31 BLOCK- due - 14 Jan 22" _
            , "\d{1}\)" _
            , "\r" _
        Debug.Print (strOutput)
    End Sub
    Public Function ReplaceThroughRegex(ByVal strInput As String, ByVal pattern As String, ByVal replacement As String) As String
    Static regEx As Object 'VBScript_RegExp_55.RegExp
        'Static declaration means we don't have to create
        'and compile the RegExp object every single time
        'the function is called.
      If strInput = "" Then
        'This is the signal to dispose of oRE
        Set regEx = Nothing
        Exit Function 'with default value
      End If
      'Create the RegExp object if necessary
      If regEx Is Nothing Then
        Set regEx = CreateObject("VBScript.Regexp")
      End If
        With regEx
            .Global = True
            .Multiline = True
            .IgnoreCase = False
            .pattern = pattern
        End With
        ReplaceThroughRegex = regEx.Replace(strInput, replacement)
    End Function

    PS: I'm assuming that you will have only 1 digit before ). If more than one is possible, change for "\d{1,2}\)" or "\d{1,3}\)", whatever suits your needs.