I have a remote FTP server where I want to upload new firmware images. When using the Linux ftp
client I can do this using put <somefile>
the server then responds with status messages like:
ftp> put TS252P005.bin flash
local: TS252P005.bin remote: flash
200 PORT command successful
150 Connecting to port 40929
226-File Transfer Complete. Starting Operation:
Checking file integrity...
Updating firmware...
Result: Success
421 Service not available, remote server has closed connection
38563840 bytes sent in 6.71 secs (5.4779 MB/s)
Now I can upload the file using Python as well using ftplib:
fw_path = ....
ip = ....
user = ...
pw = ....
with open(fw_path, "rb") as f:
with ftplib.FTP(ip) as ftp:
ftp.login(user=user, passwd=pw)
ftp.storbinary("stor flash", f)
But I can't see a way for me to get the status messages that I can see using the ftp
utility. This is important for me because I need to check that the update actually succeeded.
How can I get this output in my Python program? I'm also willing to use a different library if ftplib can't do it.
Any help is appreciated!
If you want to check the response programatically, check the result of FTP.storbinary
print(ftp.storbinary("STOR flash", f))
Though as your server actually closes the connection before even sending a complete response, the FTP.storbinary
throws an exception.
If you want to read the partial response, you will have to re-implement what the FTP.storbinary
does. Like
ftp.voidcmd('TYPE I')
with ftp.transfercmd("STOR flash") as conn:
while 1:
buf = f.read(8192)
if not buf:
line = ftp.getline()
if line[3:4] == '-':
code = line[:3]
while 1:
nextline = self.getline()
if nextline[:3] == code and nextline[3:4] != '-':
If you want to check the response manually, enable logging using FTP.set_debuglevel