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Stable values in vertex shader, unstable in fragment when rendered with webgl

I'm working with an unfamiliar scene and trying to render an array of points.

In the vertex shader i have this if/else block that resizes every 6th point and the last 3. This works as expected, points render at different sizes and as i navigate the scene they remain consistent.

However, when i run the same if/else tests in the fragment shader to color points differently it melts:

enter image description here

vert block:

  gl_PointSize = uPointSize;

  if(int(vIndex) == uTrajectoryCount - 1){
    gl_PointSize = uPointSize * 2.0;
  else if(int(vIndex) == uTrajectoryCount - 2){
    gl_PointSize = uPointSize * 1.6;
  else if(int(vIndex) == uTrajectoryCount - 3){
    gl_PointSize = uPointSize * 1.3;
  else if( 
    abs(mod(vIndex,6.0)) < 0.01 
  ) {
    gl_PointSize = uPointSize * 2.0;

frag block

  if(int(vIndex) == uTrajectoryCount - 1){
    gl_FragColor = vec4(1.,0.,0.,1.);
  else if(int(vIndex) == uTrajectoryCount - 2){
    gl_FragColor = vec4(0.,1.,0.,1.);
  else if(int(vIndex) == uTrajectoryCount - 3){
    gl_FragColor = vec4(0.,0.,1.,1.);
  else if( 
    abs(mod(vIndex,6.0)) < 0.01 
  ) {
    gl_FragColor = vec4(1.,1.,0.,1.);

What could i look for that would make this "stable" i expect the bigger points not to flicker and stay yellow, and the last three to be r g b.


  • This appears to be a rounding issue related to floating point imprecision.Why you construct an int from a float the value is truncated. Round the value with floor(vIndex+0.5) or round(vIndex) instead of int(vIndex).