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EcorResCategory get childrens x++

I need to get all childrens (and its childrens) for a parent product category


-- child 1
-- child 2
---- child 2.1
---- child 2.2
-- child 3

I am using the EcoResCategory.getChildren() method but it gets the first children only.


  • "but it gets the first children only"

    I don't think that is correct. If you take a look at the references of the EcoResCategory.getChildren() method, there is method WarrantyLookupProcessingJob.updateLookupCategory() that shows the following pattern:

    EcoResCategory childCategory = parentCategory.getChildren();
    while (childCategory)
        next childCategory;

    The next keyword retrieves the next record from the childCategory table buffer. See also

    Also note that the getChildren method has a _levelLimit parameter with the following documentation: An <c>EcoResCategoryLevel</c> value that indicates the maximum level of children categories to retrieve.