According to the Microsoft Documentation...
I'm trying to debug my API:
The page code is just here, a copy of the standard customers api
I've only modified the OnAfterGetRecord() trigger with this code:
trigger OnAfterGetRecord()
if newNumber <> '' then
Rec."No." := newNumber;
Also added few fields:
field(PartnerType; Rec."Partner Type")
Caption = 'Partner Type';
trigger OnValidate()
RegisterFieldSet(Rec.FieldNo("Partner Type"));
field(CombineShipments; Rec."Combine Shipments")
Caption = 'Combine Shipments';
trigger OnValidate()
RegisterFieldSet(Rec.FieldNo("Combine Shipments"));
field(newNumber; newNumber)
Caption = 'New No. (custom field)';
This is my launch.json:
"name": "Attach: Web Services",
"type": "al",
"request": "attach",
"environmentType": "Sandbox",
"environmentName": "sandbox",
"breakOnError": "All",
"breakOnRecordWrite": "None",
"enableSqlInformationDebugger": true,
"enableLongRunningSqlStatements": true,
"longRunningSqlStatementsThreshold": 500,
"numberOfSqlStatements": 10,
"breakOnNext": "WebServiceClient"
I POST with Postman and debugger doesn't break:
So, I can't debug my error... How can I debug and step into my breakpoints?
After having a lot of problems for not being able to debug web services long time, I've found what I was missing!
You must specify the Microsoft Entra user (OAUTH User) in your launch.json:
"userId": "CUSTOM API"
You can find it here:
The debugger worked instantly:
I am now succesfully debugging web service calls 😀