I already know that the "official" way is sending all the entire JSON in a string with unbound actions, but per project specification I need the API to be able to read json arrays in json format.
To be clear with an example, this is the data to be sent to the API:
"Batch": "IC0001",
"Colors": [
"Color": "GENERAL",
"Code": "112",
"Description": "BERMELLON",
"RGB": "255,0,0",
"GroupWeb": "40"
"Color": "GENERAL",
"Code": "111",
"Description": "ROJERAS",
"RGB": "255,0,0",
"GroupWeb": "40"
I'm trying to read the JSON with the codeunit "JSON Management":
codeunit 60201 IntegracionPLM
procedure ReadColorJSON(data: Text)
JSONManagement: Codeunit "JSON Management";
ArrayJSONManagement: Codeunit "JSON Management";
ObjectJSONManagement: Codeunit "JSON Management";
i: Integer;
JsonArrayText: Text;
ColorJsonObject: Text;
GrupoColoresText: Text;
CodigoText: Text;
DescripcionText: Text;
ValorRGBText: Text;
AgrupacionWebText: Text;
if JSONManagement.GetArrayPropertyValueAsStringByName('data', JsonArrayText) then begin
for i := 0 to ArrayJSONManagement.GetCollectionCount() - 1 do begin
ArrayJSONManagement.GetObjectFromCollectionByIndex(ColorJsonObject, i);
ObjectJSONManagement.GetStringPropertyValueByName('GrupoColores', GrupoColoresText);
ObjectJSONManagement.GetStringPropertyValueByName('Codigo', CodigoText);
ObjectJSONManagement.GetStringPropertyValueByName('Descripcion', DescripcionText);
ObjectJSONManagement.GetStringPropertyValueByName('ValorRGB', ValorRGBText);
ObjectJSONManagement.GetStringPropertyValueByName('AgrupacionWeb', AgrupacionWebText);
Message('GrupoColores: %1, Codigo: %2, Descripcion: %3, ValorRGB: %4, AgrupacionWeb: %5',
GrupoColoresText, CodigoText, DescripcionText, ValorRGBText, AgrupacionWebText);
But I'm getting this error:
"error": {
"code": "BadRequest",
"message": "One or more errors occurred. (One or more errors occurred. (An unexpected 'StartArray' node was found when reading from the JSON reader. A 'StartObject' node was expected.)) CorrelationId: 829669bb-ea16-4703-9ef1-e9431d47928e."
The request is not going through. Not even reaching my code.
How can I read a json array from my Business Central web service?
Solved by following this guide: https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/dynamics365/business-central/dev-itpro/developer/devenv-develop-custom-api
Step 3 did the trick, creating a page with a part:
page 50100 "API Car Brand"
PageType = API;
APIVersion = 'v1.0';
APIPublisher = 'bctech';
APIGroup = 'demo';
EntityCaption = 'Car Brand';
EntitySetCaption = 'Car Brands';
EntityName = 'carBrand';
EntitySetName = 'carBrands';
ODataKeyFields = SystemId;
SourceTable = "Car Brand";
Extensible = false;
DelayedInsert = true;
field(id; Rec.SystemId)
Caption = 'Id';
Editable = false;
field(name; Rec.Name)
Caption = 'Name';
field(description; Rec.Description)
Caption = 'Description';
field(country; Rec.Country)
Caption = 'Country';
part(carModels; "API Car Model")
Caption = 'Car Models';
EntityName = 'carModel';
EntitySetName = 'carModels';
SubPageLink = "Brand Id" = Field(SystemId);
And it's part:
page 50101 "API Car Model"
PageType = API;
APIVersion = 'v1.0';
APIPublisher = 'bctech';
APIGroup = 'demo';
EntityCaption = 'Car Model';
EntitySetCaption = 'Car Models';
EntityName = 'carModel';
EntitySetName = 'carModels';
ODataKeyFields = SystemId;
SourceTable = "Car Model";
Extensible = false;
DelayedInsert = true;
field(id; Rec.SystemId)
Caption = 'Id';
Editable = false;
field(name; Rec.Name)
Caption = 'Name';
field(description; Rec.Description)
Caption = 'Description';
field(brandId; Rec."Brand Id")
Caption = 'Brand Id';
field(power; Rec.Power)
Caption = 'Power';
field(fuelType; Rec."Fuel Type")
Caption = 'Fuel Type';
Then go to Postman or your tool of preference and test this:
POST https://api.businesscentral.dynamics.com/v2.0/<environmentName>/api/bctech/demo/v1.0/companies(<company id>))/carBrands
"name": "CARBRAND2",
"description": "Car Brand 2",
"country": "Germany",
"carModels": [{
"name": "MODELA",
"description": "Model A",
"power": 0,
"fuelType": "Electric"
"name": "MODELB",
"description": "Model B",
"power": 0,
"fuelType": "Electric"