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How can I output a php image resource using Laminas MVC?

I currently output an image like this (inside a controller class):

    header("Content-Type: image/gif");
    $content_string = ob_get_clean();

Is there a better way without actually capturing the output buffer? since this is not very testable...


  • The Only way to capture the image without output-buffer is to write the image to a file:

    $tmpFile = tmpfile();
    $path = stream_get_meta_data($tmpFile)['uri'];
    imagegif($image_resource, $tmpFile);
    $content_string = file_get_contents($path);

    I created a temporary file with the tmpfile() method, and got the filename via stream_get_metadata() function. Then I loaded the content of the file into the string variable and closed the filehandle to the tmpfile so it gets removed.

    A more optimized way from the comments proposed writing to a php://memory file instead. The is a small explanation in another question on when to use php://memory and php://temp

    // open in memory file
    $handle = fopen('php://memory', 'r+');
    imagegif($im, $handle);
    // reset file handle
    fseek($handle, 0);
    // get filesize
    $stat = fstat($handle);
    $size = $stat['size'];
    // read the created file into variable
    $fileContent = fread($handle, $size);
    // write filecontent to the response object

    Personally i would use the output buffer but move the code into a separate function or class. That way you can isolate and mock its behavior for testing purposes:

    /** @var GDImage|resource $image */
    function getImage($image): string
       $returnData = ob_get_contents();
       return $returnData;
    $content_string = getImage($image_resource);

    In any way i would advise you to set the header on the response object instead of writing it manually:

        'Content-Type' => 'image/gif',

    This way the headers get output to the browser by the framework at the correct time and you will not have any problems with output buffering.