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Detecting compile-time constantness of range size

Note that after this question had been asked, a defect report changed the behavior mentioned below. See end of the question.

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Consider the following:

// Variant 1

template<auto> struct require_constexpr;

template<typename R>
constexpr auto is_constexpr_size(R&& r) {
    return requires { typename require_constexpr<std::ranges::size(std::forward<R>(r))>; };


The goal here is not the is_constexpr_size function as such, but to find an (requires) expression determining that the size of a range's type is a compile-time constant, so that it can be used in a function taking any range by forwarding-reference in order to if constexpr switch based on it.

Unfortunately this doesn't work since r is of reference type and not usable in a constant expression, although for std::array the call to std::range::sizes will never access the referenced object.

Variant 2: Replacing R&& with R in the function parameter changes this. The constant expression requirements for non-reference type variables are weaker and both MSVC and GCC accept the code with this change, but Clang still doesn't. My understanding is that there is currently a proposal to change the rules, so that the variant with R&& will also work as expected.

However, until this is implemented, I am looking for an alternative, not requiring restriction of the parameter to non-reference types. I also don't want to depend on the range's type being e.g. default-constructible. Therefore I cannot construct a temporary object of the correct type. std::declval is also not usable, since std::ranges::size needs to be evaluated.

I tried the following:

// Variant 3

return requires (std::remove_reference_t<R> s) { typename require_constexpr<std::ranges::size(std::forward<R>(s))>; };

This is accepted by MSVC, but not Clang or GCC. Reading the standard, I am not sure whether this use of a requires parameter is supposed to be allowed.

My questions are as follows:

  1. Regarding std::ranges::size specifically: It takes its argument by forwarding-reference and forwards to some other function. Shouldn't std::ranges::size(r) never be a constant expression (with r a local variable outside the constant expression) for the same reason as in variant 1? If the answer is that it isn't, then assume for the following that std::ranges::size is replaced by a custom implementation not relying on references.
  2. Is my understanding that variant 2 should work correct?
  3. Is variant 3 supposed to work?
  4. If variant 3 is not correct, what is the best way to achieve my goal?

Clarification: That the references are forwarding and that I use std::forward shouldn't be relevant to the question. Maybe I shouldn't have put them there. It is only relevant that the function takes a reference as parameter.

The use case is something like this:

auto transform(auto&& range, auto&& f) {
    // Transforms range by applying f to each element
    // Returns a `std::array` if `std::range::size(range)` is a constant expression.
    // Returns a `std::vector` otherwise.

In this application the function would take a forwarding reference, but the check for compile-time constantness shouldn't depend on it. (If it does for some reason I am fine with not supporting such types.)

It is also not relevant to my question that is_constexpr_size is marked constexpr and used in a constant expression. I did so only for the examples to be testable at compile-time. In practice is_constexpr_size/transform would generally not be used in a constant expression, but even with a runtime argument transform should be able to switch return types based on the type of the argument.

For future readers:

In mid-2022 the proposal linked above has been accepted as a DR and so, as soon as compilers implement it, the original issue with the reference should be gone.

However, the is potentially another issue with regards to whether or not r is odr-usable where it is used in the requires-expression. I didn't notice that when originally writing this question, so I don't want to extent the scope of this question to it.


  • If you look closely at the specification of ranges​::​size in [range.prim.size], except when the type of R is the primitive array type, ranges​::​size obtains the size of r by calling the size() member function or passing it into a free function.

    And since the parameter type of transform() function is reference, ranges::size(r) cannot be used as a constant expression in the function body, this means we can only get the size of r through the type of R, not the object of R.

    However, there are not many standard range types that contain size information, such as primitive arrays, std::array, std::span, and some simple range adaptors. So we can define a function to detect whether R is of these types, and extract the size from its type in a corresponding way.

    #include <ranges>
    #include <array>
    #include <span>
    inline constexpr bool is_std_array = false;
    template<class T, std::size_t N>
    inline constexpr bool is_std_array<std::array<T, N>> = true;
    inline constexpr bool is_std_span = false;
    template<class T, std::size_t N>
    inline constexpr bool is_std_span<std::span<T, N>> = true;
    struct require_constant;
    template<class R>
    constexpr auto get_constexpr_size() {
      if constexpr (std::is_bounded_array_v<R>)
        return std::extent_v<R>;
      else if constexpr (is_std_array<R>)
        return std::tuple_size_v<R>;
      else if constexpr (is_std_span<R>)
        return R::extent;
      else if constexpr (std::ranges::sized_range<R> &&
                         requires { typename require_constant<R::size()>; })
        return R::size();
        return std::dynamic_extent;

    For the custom range type, I think we can only get its size in a constant expression by determining whether it has a static size() function, which is what the last conditional branch did. It is worth noting that it also applies to ranges::empty_view and ranges::single_view which already have static size() functions.

    Once this size detection function is completed, we can use it in the transform() function to try to get the size value in a constant expression, and choose whether to use std::array or std::vector as the return value according to whether the return value is std::dynamic_extent.

    template<std::ranges::input_range R, std::copy_constructible F>
    constexpr auto transform(R&& r, F f) {
      using value_type = std::remove_cvref_t<
        std::indirect_result_t<F&, std::ranges::iterator_t<R>>>;
      using DR = std::remove_cvref_t<R>;
      constexpr auto size = get_constexpr_size<DR>();
      if constexpr (size != std::dynamic_extent) {
        std::array<value_type, size> arr;
        std::ranges::transform(r, arr.begin(), std::move(f));
        return arr;
      } else {
        std::vector<value_type> v;
        if constexpr (requires { std::ranges::size(r); })
        std::ranges::transform(r, std::back_inserter(v), std::move(f));
        return v;
