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Azure.Data.Tables doesn't honour IgnorePropertyAttribute

When using Azure.Data.Tables to work with Azure Table Storage in C#/F#, I am creating my custom entity types by implementing ITableEntity.

My class has additional properties which I don't want to save in the Azure Table.

It seems that the attribute IgnorePropertyAttribute should be used to decorate the properties to ignore.

However this attribute is in a different package Microsoft.Azure.Cosmos.Table and it's not honoured by the latest version of Azure.Data.Tables 12.3.0.

How do I make the Table API in Azure.Data.Tables 12.3.0 ignore some of the property in my entity class?


  • Based on the information provided on this GitHub issue, you will need to use IgnoreDataMember attribute instead of IgnoreProperty attribute if you do not want certain members of your entity to be saved in the database.