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Azure data tables python SDK does not work on read. "NotImplemented"

I have a Table within Azure data storage that I am trying to read from. I am able to successfully write to this table but unable to read. I have followed the docs here:

I also have a contributor role in IAM which should allow me to read and write.

My code is here:

credential = AzureNamedKeyCredential(os.environ['storage'], os.environ['azkey'])
service = TableServiceClient(endpoint=os.environ['azendpoint'], credential=credential)

az_table= service.get_table_client("az_table")

entities = df.apply(lambda x: json.loads(x.to_json()), axis=1)
[az_table.create_entity(entity) for entity in entities]

This now has entities in and I have checked this in the storage explorer. Here is the read that fails:

table_entities = az_table.query_entities(query_filter="PartitionKey eq 'somevalue'")
for entity in table_entities :
    for key in entity.keys():
        print(f"Key: {key}, Value: {entity[key]}")

I now get this error:

azure.core.exceptions.HttpResponseError: The requested operation is not implemented on the specified resource.
Content: {"odata.error":{"code":"NotImplemented","message":{"lang":"en-US","value":"The requested operation is not implemented on the specified resource.\nRequestId:893f445b-6002-0031-6fff-51613d000000\nTime:2024-01-28T15:31:45.5859059Z"}}}

I don't understand what I'm doing here and any help would be appreciated.


  • azure.core.exceptions.HttpResponseError: The requested operation is not implemented on the specified resource.

    The above error occurs when you pass the wrong query expression or pass the wrong environment parameters in the code.

    In my environment, I tried using the code below to create an entity with Azure Python SDK.


    from import TableServiceClient
    from azure.core.credentials import AzureNamedKeyCredential
    import json
    import pandas as pd
    credential = AzureNamedKeyCredential("venkat678","wxxvbxxxxxxx")
    service = TableServiceClient("", credential=credential)
    az_table= service.get_table_client("aztable")
    data = {'PartitionKey': ['partition1', 'partition2', 'partition3'],
            'RowKey': ['row1', 'row2', 'row3'],
            'Value': ['value1', 'value2', 'value3']}
    df = pd.DataFrame(data)
    entities = df.apply(lambda x: json.loads(x.to_json()), axis=1)
    [az_table.create_entity(entity) for entity in entities]

    Output: enter image description here

    Now, to query the entities, I used the code below with correct parameters.


    from import TableServiceClient
    from azure.core.credentials import AzureNamedKeyCredential
    import pandas as pd
    credential = AzureNamedKeyCredential("venkat678","w5xxxx")
    service = TableServiceClient("", credential=credential)
    az_table= service.get_table_client("aztable")
    table_entities = az_table.query_entities(query_filter="PartitionKey eq 'partition1'")
    for entity in table_entities :
        for key in entity.keys():
            print(f"Key: {key}, Value: {entity[key]}")


    {'PartitionKey': 'partition1', 'RowKey': 'row1', 'Value': 'value1'}
    Key: PartitionKey, Value: partition1
    Key: RowKey, Value: row1
    Key: Value, Value: value1

    enter image description here

    Make sure your endpoint and table name are passed correctly in environment variables.

    Reference: Python getting results from Azure Storage Table with azure-data-tables - Stack Overflow by KrunkFu.