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Copy data activity failing when entering the table name dynamically in sink dataset

enter image description here

Following this MS article, I have created the following steps:

Step 1: Added the New Pipeline with two parameters with names as sourceSAS and destinationSAS and given their SAS tokens as values

enter image description here

Step 2: Created the Web activity and Named as ListTables:

URL @concat('', pipeline().parameters.sourceSAS)
Method GET
Headers Accept - application/json

Step 3: ForEach activity:

Items @activity('ListTables').outputValue

Step 4: Web Activity - Named as CreateTable - This is created inside the ForEach activity

| URL | @concat('', pipeline().parameters.destinationSAS) | | Method | Post | | Body | @json(concat('{"TableName":"', item().TableName,'"}')) |

Content-Type application/json x-ms-date @utcNow() x-ms-version 2021-02-12 Accept application/json

Step 5: Create Copy Data Activity - Here I didn't understand the article clearly is whether to create the datasets directly or create the Copy Data Activity.

How do I specify the table name dynamically so that it will take all tables from source storage:

enter image description here

How to give the value of the table field so that all source storage tables should be copied to destination table storage account?

enter image description here

Whereas I tried giving the specific table name in both of the datasets in CopyData Activity, it copied successfully but unable to copy all the tables at a time from source to destination storage account..!


  • To specify multiple tables dynamically, you need to use dataset parameters.

    Create a string parameter in your dataset like below.

    enter image description here

    Now, click the Enter manually checkbox in the dataset and select dynamic content at the table name. Give the created parameter name like below in that.

    enter image description here

    Now, inside the ForEach, add the dataset to the copy activity and it will show the same parameter. Here, you need to add your table name @item().TableName dynamic expression like below. For sample, I have taken lookup activity.

    enter image description here

    If you want to specify the target table dynamically, you need to do the same for the target datasets as well.

    Execute the pipeline and it will give the expected results like below.

    enter image description here