I am trying to make objects follow player with offset without delay on Z-axis but delayed on X-axis. When player entered a object(coin) trigger, i am adding this object to a list and i am updating each one’s position using this code. Each coin has previous and next coin that current coin follows.
foreach (Coin coin in coins)
Vector3 desiredPos = new Vector3(
coin.previous.transform.position.z + .15f);
Vector3 smoothedPos = Vector3.Lerp(
coin.transform.position = smoothedPos;
I want to get this result https://youtube.com/shorts/PHAg8Pqf0mA?feature=share
This is what i got
But as you can see coins struggling some times. It is not updating their positions properly. I dont want to make it child because i need to move them on x-axis with delay.
I’ll be appreciated if you can help me.
You are using Vector3.Lerp which lerps all x y and z. If you want to lerp only on x axis, you should use Mathf.Lerp on the x instead:
var x = Mathf.Lerp(x, desiredPos.x, smoothness);