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Need a proper input mask for a time field in Microsoft Access

My table field is date/time and formatted like this:

mm/dd/yyyy hh:nn:ss

I want the user to see this (with the space appearing between date and time

__/__/__ __:__:__

I want an input mask that demands:

  • Either 1 or 2 digits for the month
  • Either 1 or 2 digits for the dat
  • All 4 digits for the year
  • SHOWS the space but just jumps over it for the user
  • Either 1 or 2 digits for each of Hours, Minutes and Seconds

Further, when setting up a DB, is it just smarter to have two separate fields for Date and Time. A collegue encouraged me to break them out ... seems sensible?


  • 00/00/0000##00:00:00

    See the outcome in the image

    enter image description here