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How to sample from a normal distribution random values inside a range using Tensorflow?

I have two variables mean and stddev which are tensors of shape (1,) and they represent many normal distributions with mean lets say mean[i] and stardard deviation stddev[i].

From these distributions I want to sample one value within a range in [low,up,] for everyones and then I want to get the log probabilities of the sampled values.

From the docs I found that the experimental_sample_and_log_prob method is almost for me because it does not sample elements within a range of values (low, up) that I would like to have.

So I coded few lines but it doesn't work very well naturally ad it is so computationally expensive.

import tensorflow as tf
from tensorflow_probability import distributions as tfd

def sample_and_log_prob(dist, up, down):
    samples = dist.sample()
    accepted = False
    print("Is {} accepted? {}".format(samples, accepted))
    while not accepted:
        # sample < up
        cond1 = tf.less_equal(samples, up)
        # sample > down
        cond2 = tf.greater_equal(samples, down)
        # if down < sample < up
        accepted = tf.logical_and(cond1, cond2) 
        samples = tf.where(
        print("Is {} accepted? {}".format(samples, accepted))
    return samples, dist.log_prob(samples)

distribution = tfd.Normal(
    loc=mean ,

samples, log_probs = sample_and_log_prob(distribution, up=-1, down=1)

Any tips to solve it?


  • It sounds like you want a TruncatedNormal distribution.