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Concatenate ID field to filename

In MS Access, I want to rename filename of the attachment with ID and filename so that there should be any problem for duplicates. For example, if the id is 1 and filename is ABC then name in the folder should be 1ABC or 1_ABC anything is fine. Currently it is saving as ABC.extension (pdf/docx/txt).


  • Try this.

    Private Sub Command0_Click()
        Dim counter As Long
        counter = SaveAttachments("D:\Test1")
        MsgBox counter & " files exported."
    End Sub

    Public Function SaveAttachments(savePath As String, Optional strPattern As String = "*.*") As Long
        Dim r As DAO.Recordset
        Dim r2 As DAO.Recordset2
        Dim strFullPath As String
        Dim counter As Long
        Set r = CurrentDb().OpenRecordset("Notices")
        Do While Not r.EOF
            Set r2 = r("Attachments").Value
            Do While Not r2.EOF
                If r2("FileName") Like strPattern Then
                    strFullPath = savePath & "\" & r("ID") & "_" & r2("FileName")
                    If Dir(strFullPath) = "" Then
                        r2("FileData").SaveToFile strFullPath
                        counter = counter + 1
                    End If
                End If
            If Not r2 Is Nothing Then r2.Close
        If Not r Is Nothing Then r.Close
        SaveAttachments = counter
    End Function