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How to pass json inside the terraform variable?

I am trying to create an AWS parameter store via terraform that can also pass default values with the JSON format. Here is a sample of the code.

resource "aws_ssm_parameter" "secret" {
  name        = "/something/env"
  description = "This is a something values"
  type        = "SecureString"
  value       = "test"
  tags = {
    environment = "production"

Instead of passing out a single value as a "test" from value, how can I pass the json one inside value one.

So that AWS parameter store value will be like

   "key": "value"


  • I think you are looking for jsonencode, which could be used as such:

    resource "aws_ssm_parameter" "secret" {
      name        = "/something/env"
      description = "This is a something values"
      type        = "SecureString"
      value = jsonencode({
        "key" : "value"
      tags = {
        environment = "production"