Prerequisite : all the tables are dynamic so i cant use the column names I have two tables
Candidate table : Table which has all columns and data required to be selected
DataDictionary : Table where i have only those columns which are to be selected for querying Now what i want to do is select only that data and columns from the candidate table which are present in datadictionary and skip those that data and column which are not present in datadictionary
what i have tried is
SELECT ColumnName
INTO #Candidate
FROM DataDictionaryDetail WHERE DataDictionaryId =1
select *
from candidate
where NOT EXISTS (select *from #Candidate)
but this brings only columns but not data I need a proper way to select data also and columns
You need dynamic SQL for this
DECLARE @sql nvarchar(max) = N'
+ (
FROM DataDictionaryDetail
WHERE DataDictionaryId = 1
) + N'
from candidate;
EXEC sp_executesql @sql;