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Scripting out all SQL Linked servers on all servers with PowerShell

I need to export script of all my linked server in my environment to a file for each server.

The following command below successfully scripts out all the linked servers on ServerName1

get-childitem | %{$_.script()} >> C:\Users\someuser\Documents\Powershell\OutputFiles\ServerName1.sql

The issue is that I have 35 servers and in order for this command to work I need to change directories of each server.

In other words the command need to be run as follows for each server

PS SQLSERVER:\SQL\ServerName1\DEFAULT\LinkedServers> get-childitem | %{$_.Script()} >> C:\Users\someuser\Documents\Powershell\OutputFiles\ServerName1.sql

How could I loop a command that runs from different paths based on Server Name and names the file same as the server name?


  • Get-ChildItem -Literal SQLSERVER:\SQL | 
      ForEach-Object {
        $serverName = $_.Name
        Get-ChildItem -LiteralPath (Join-Path $_.PSPath DEFAULT\LinkedServers) |
          ForEach-Object Script > "C:\Users\someuser\Documents\Powershell\OutputFiles\$serverName.sql"
    • Get-ChildItem -LiteralPath SQLSERVER:\SQL is assumed to return items that each represent a server [THIS MAY NOT BE TRUE - SEE BELOW.]

    • Each resulting item is then processed in the ForEach-Object script block:

      • Join-Path is used to construct the full path to the DEFAULT\LinkedServers subfolder of the server item at hand, whose child items Get-ChildItem then enumerates and on each of which ForEach-Object Script invokes the .Script() method, using simplified syntax.

        • That is, ForEach-Object Script (% Script) is the equivalent of % { $_.Script() } in your question.
    • Note that > is enough to capture all output from the pipeline in the target file; >> is only needed if you want to append to a preexisting target file.

    You state that Get-ChildItem -LiteralPath SQLSERVER:\SQL does not list all servers, and that you want to provide the list of server names via a text file:

    • Save the list of server names to Servers.txt, with each name on its own line.

    • Then try the following:

      • Note: The assumption is that, for a given server X, accessing path SQLSERVER:\SQL\X\DEFAULT\LinkedServers implicitly connects to it.
    Get-Content Servers.txt | 
      ForEach-Object {
        Get-ChildItem "SQLSERVER:\SQL\$_\DEFAULT\LinkedServers" |
          ForEach-Object Script > "C:\Users\someuser\Documents\Powershell\OutputFiles\$_.sql"