I am creating a map in Unity3D to be displayed in Hololens 2. I am using MRTK to code interactable functionality.
Since the map contains a lot of independent countries, whose respond onClick
may vary with time, I decided to add the required components programmatically. For example:
public Transform worlmap;
public Microsoft.MixedReality.Toolkit.UI.Theme mTheme;
public Microsoft.MixedReality.Toolkit.UI.States mStates;
List<Microsoft.MixedReality.Toolkit.UI.Theme> themes;
void Start()
themes = new List<Microsoft.MixedReality.Toolkit.UI.Theme>();
if (mTheme)
// Looping through all the countries in worldMap
foreach (Transform country in worldMap)
// Adding the 4 components which make a GameObject interactable in Hololens
// Assigning State
country.gameObject.GetComponent<Microsoft.MixedReality.Toolkit.UI.Interactable>().States = mStates;
// Assigning the Profiles (Will definine the colors based on the State)
Microsoft.MixedReality.Toolkit.UI.InteractableProfileItem mProfile = new Microsoft.MixedReality.Toolkit.UI.InteractableProfileItem();
mProfile.Themes = themes;
mProfile.Target = country.gameObject;
// Assigning Events
The part below is working, but I am not able to assign Events to the different countries in the same loop.
I can define these events in the Editor, for example:
But since it is a repetitive activity which may slightly change over time, I was trying to achieve the same programmatically inside the loop of the script above.
This is what I tried, but it is not working:
// Creating an Event
Microsoft.MixedReality.Toolkit.UI.InteractableEvent mEvent = new Microsoft.MixedReality.Toolkit.UI.InteractableEvent();
// Assigning the method to be executed during onClick
// Assigning the Event to Interactable
What is the correct way of adding programmatically Events to an Interactable in MRTK?
To assign OnClick Event for the Interactable component at the runtime, please try the following code:
The Interactable component profile in the Unity Editor may not display the new method at the runtime, but it does work in the scene.