My question is very simple. Here is my code:
WITH P1 as
SELECT (count(*)) as Premier_trimestre
FROM import.dvf1,
(SELECT commune FROM import.dvf1) as commune
WHERE date_mutation BETWEEN '2020-01-01' AND '2020-03-31'
GROUP BY dvf1.commune
, P2 as
SELECT (count(*)) as Deuxieme_trimestre
FROM import.dvf1, (select commune FROM import.dvf1) as commune
WHERE date_mutation BETWEEN '2020-04-01' AND '2020-06-30'
GROUP BY dvf1.commune
P1 t1
P2 t2
ON t1.commune = t2.commune
When I run it, I get:
ERROR: column t1.commune does not exist
LINE 23: ON t1.commune = t2.commune
SQL state: 42703
Character: 471
I don't understand why.I tried to rename commune, to move it, etc., but I cannot find a fix.
The CTEs only yield one column named Premier_trimestre
or Deuxieme_trimestre
If you want to include the commune column from import.dvf1 then you need to include it in the SELECT list of the CTEs.
You are also creating a cross join of the table with itself with this part FROM import.dvf1, (SELECT commune FROM import.dvf1)
which is most probably the reason why the query takes forever.
I think what you intended is:
WITH P1 as
SELECT dvf1.commune, -- this "exposes" the commune column
count(*) as Premier_trimestre
FROM import.dvf1
WHERE dvf1.date_mutation BETWEEN '2020-01-01' AND '2020-03-31'
GROUP BY dvf1.commune
, P2 as
SELECT dvf1.commune,
count(*) as Deuxieme_trimestre
FROM import.dvf1
WHERE dvf1.date_mutation BETWEEN '2020-04-01' AND '2020-06-30'
GROUP BY dvf1.commune
JOIN P2 ON p1.commune = p2.commune
However, you can simplify this substantially by using filtered aggregation:
SELECT commune,
count(*) filter (where extract(month from dvf1.date_mutation) in (1,2,3)) as Premier_trimestre,
count(*) filter (where extract(month from dvf1.date_mutation) in (4,5,6)) as Deuxieme_trimestre
FROM import.dvf1
WHERE dvf1.date_mutation BETWEEN '2020-01-01' AND '2020-06-30' -- this covers both ranges
GROUP dvf1.commune