GNU Smalltalk omits the script name in argv.
#!/usr/bin/env gst -f
| argv program |
argv := Smalltalk arguments.
(argv size) > 0 ifTrue: [
program := argv at: 1.
Transcript show: 'Program: ', program; cr.
] ifFalse: [
Transcript show: 'argv = {}'; cr.
$ ./
argv = {}
I see two ways to get the script name:
.It seems the best that can be done is use shebangs to force the script name to ARGV, then check whether Smalltalk getArgv: 1
ends with a hardcoded string.
Posted here and on Rosetta Code.
"exec" "gst" "-f" "$0" "$0" "$@"
Object subclass: ScriptedMain [
ScriptedMain class >> meaningOfLife [ ^42 ]
| main |
main := [
Transcript show: 'Main: The meaning of life is ', ((ScriptedMain meaningOfLife) printString); cr.
(((Smalltalk getArgc) > 0) and: [ ((Smalltalk getArgv: 1) endsWith: '') ]) ifTrue: [
main value.