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sumproduct sumifs -- formula works in excel not in google sheet

I have been struggling with a formula that works in excel but not in google sheet. Objective is to get the sum of amounts provided in different currencies.


B7:B12 contains amounts in different currencies C7:C12 contains the currency code for each amount E has the list of currency codes F has the exchange rate for each currency thank you much for any help/support!

sample data -- exactly the same data and formula in XL and GS


  • Unfortunately at time of writing Sumifs doesn't expand in Google Sheets even when wrapped in Arrayformula. If you try it on its own you get:


    enter image description here

    whereas if you try the same conditions with Sumif you get:


    enter image description here

    which is why you get the error.

    One way to fix it is to use Sumif instead of sumifs:


    enter image description here


    Array formula can be omitted if wrapped in sumproduct:
