I have a Haskell query
function to get latest token price using
The function takes token id as arg, say 2010
for ADA.
import Data.Aeson
import Network.HTTP.Req
newtype Rate = Rate Double
query :: Int -> IO (Either Text Rate)
query tokenId =
url = https queryPrefix /: "v1" /: "cryptocurrency" /: "quotes" /: "latest"
idParam = "id" =: tokenId
options = standardHeader <> idParam
runReq defaultHttpConfig $ do
v <- req GET url NoReqBody jsonResponse options
let responseCode = responseStatusCode v
if isValidHttpResponse responseCode then do
case fromJSON $ responseBody v of
Success x -> pure $ Right x
Error e -> pure $ Left $ pack $ "Error decoding state: " <> e
pure $ Left $ pack ("Error with CoinMarketCap query 'Quotes Latest': " <> show responseCode <> ". " <> show (responseStatusMessage v))
The Json output though has "2010" as a key:
Being that 2010
is an arg to query
, I clearly do not want to drill in as data.2010.quote.USD.price
with something like this:
instance FromJSON Rate where
parseJSON = withObject "Rate" $ \o -> do
dataO <- o .: "data"
_2010O <- dataO .: "2010" -- #############
quoteO <- _2010O .: "quote"
usdO <- quoteO .: "USD"
price <- usdO .: "price"
pure $ Rate price
Question: How can I achieve the flexibility I want? Can I somehow pass in the token id to parseJSON
? Or is there perhaps a Lens-Aeson technique to use a wildcard? ...
I you are completely sure that the object inside "data"
will only ever have a single key, we can take the object, convert it into a list of values, fail if the list is empty or has more than one value, and otherwise continue parsing. Like this:
instance FromJSON Rate where
parseJSON = withObject "Rate" $ \o -> do
Object dataO <- o .: "data" -- we expect an Object
-- get the single value, it should be an Object itself
[Object _2010O] <- pure $ Data.Foldable.toList dataO
quoteO <- _2010O .: "quote"
usdO <- quoteO .: "USD"
price <- usdO .: "price"
pure $ Rate price
When there's no key, more than one key, or the value is not an aeson Object
, the pattern [Object _2010O] <-
fails to match and gives an parsing error through the MonadFail
instance of aeson's Parser
We could also be a bit more explicit:
instance FromJSON Rate where
parseJSON = withObject "Rate" $ \o -> do
Object dataO <- o .: "data"
let objects = Data.Foldable.toList dataO
case objects of
[Object _2010O] -> do
quoteO <- _2010O .: "quote"
usdO <- quoteO .: "USD"
price <- usdO .: "price"
pure $ Rate price
[_] -> fail "value is not Object"
_ -> fail "zero or more than one key"