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Reset Redux store after each test with jest

I am using Jest to test my Redux actions, sometimes it happens that a test does something which conflicts with what other tests do. For example, I test an action called add a user so it increases the length of the store to 1, then I test another action called add and delete a user, it expects the store to be empty after the process but the store still has a user that was existed since the first test.

Is there an accepted way to reset the Redux store for a fresh start after each test?


  • My recommendation would be to create a new Redux store for each test - not reset it. That way, your middlewares etc. also start with a clean state.

    You could use something like the setupApiStore helper in the Redux Toolkit Tests.

    A simplified version would look like

    function setupTestStore() {
      const refObj = {}
      beforeEach(() => {
        const store = configureStore({ reducer }) = store
        refObj.Wrapper = function Wrapper({ children }: any) {
          return <Provider store={store}>{children}</Provider>
      return refObj

    and in your tests

    const storeRef = setupTestStore()
    it('tests something', () => {
      render(<MyComponent />, { wrapper: storeRef.wrapper }
    it('tests something with another store', () => {
      render(<MyComponent2 />, { wrapper: storeRef.wrapper }