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Any experience with annotation(TestCase(shouldFail=false))?

I'm struggling with the annotation TestCase, which seems to have appeared in Modelica language 3.5 in early 2021. Has anyone used it successfully with Dymola or OpenModelica ?

Here is a sample code I'm using to test it. The simulation fails, which should normaly be prevented by the annotation TestCase. Any suggestion to make it work on these platforms ?

model Test
  Boolean a;
  a = time < 0.5;

    "test has failed: time is above 0.5",
  annotation (TestCase(shouldPass=false));
end Test;


  • For Dymola:

    • It only has effect if the model is inside a package you check.
    • Normally it just causes the check to be skipped. One part is that only models with experiment-annotations will actually be simulated, and this model only fails during simulation.

    So consider the following:

    package P
      model Test
        Boolean a;
        a = time < 0.5;
          "test has failed: time is above 0.5",
        annotation (experiment(StopTime=1), TestCase(shouldPass=false));
      end Test;
      model Test2
        annotation (TestCase(shouldPass=true));
      end Test2;
    end P;

    Checking P will skip Test.

    Addendum: In Dymola 2024x Refresh 1 and earlier even check with simulation will just skip them, later versions should give a summary of issues.

    A work-around for Dymola 2024x Refresh 1 is to instead use: annotation(__ModelicaAssociation(TestCase(shouldPass=false))) which was an earlier solution for the same problem.