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How to read a list from a YAMLConfigutation

I have a YAML file that looks like this:

    - entry1: 1
      entry2: a
    - entry1: 2
      entry2: b

(Where the actual list is much longer.) I'm reading this file using Apache Configuration2's YAMLConfiguration. I can see the data in the internal data structures used in Apache Configuration2, but I can't figure out how to get this list out. I actually have a class that matches the structure of the list elements, which is what I'd really like to read into:

class MyListEntry {
    public int entry1;
    public String entry2;

How can I get the data YAMLConfiguration into a List<MyListEntry>?


  • Here's the solution I found (note this works for any HierarchicalConfiguration, not just YAMLConfiguration)

    // this will return a list of List<HierarchicalConfiguration<ImmutableNode>>, one entry for each element of the list
    var subConfigList = hierarchicalConfig.configurationsAt("");
    List<MyListEntry> myListEntries = new ArrayList<>(subConfigList.size());
    // iterate over the subconfigs and pull out the specific values of interest
    for(var subConfig : subconfigs) {
        MyListEntry myListEntry = new MyListEntry();
        myListEntry.entry1 = subConfig.getInt("entry1");
        myListEntry.entry2 = subConfig.getString("entry2");