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ant file build failed due to below errors

When I try to run ant file the build is going to fail because of the below reasons:

[projectBuild] null DN Jaxb Beans:Multiple output locations are disabled, cannot associate entry: 'DN Jaxb Beans/src' with a specific output.
[projectBuild] null DN Jaxb Beans:Unbound classpath container: 'JRE System Library [J2SE-1.5]'.
[projectBuild] null DN Jaxb Beans:Unbound classpath container: 'org.maven.ide.eclipse.MAVEN2_CLASSPATH_CONTAINER'.
[projectBuild] null DN Jaxb Beans:Multiple output locations are disabled, cannot associate entry: 'DN Jaxb Beans/src' with a specific output.
[projectBuild] null DN Jaxb Beans:The project was not built since its classpath is incomplete. Cannot find the class file for java.lang.Object. Fix the classpath then try rebuilding this project.
[projectBuild] 1 compilation unit indirectly references the missing type java.lang.Object (typically some required class file is referencing a type outside the classpath)
[projectBuild] Errors were detected after building DN Jaxb Beans
[projectBuild] ProjectBuild: DN Jaxb Beans Exception=Errors were detected after building DN Jaxb Beans
[projectBuild] BUILD FAILED: file:C:/workspace.May21/DN Ant Scripts/buildDev.xml:149: 

ProjectBuild: DN Jaxb Beans Exception=Errors were detected after building DN Jaxb Beans
Total time: 19 minutes 4 seconds

could you please solve this?


  • The following error is a good indication:

    Cannot find the class file for java.lang.Object

    If java cannot find java.lang.Object then there are configuration problems with your java install. The message JRE System Library [J2SE-1.5] looks like an eclipse jre configuration name so I assume you are running this through eclipse. I would try removing and adding back in the execution environment config in eclipse.