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Create and install de-lomboked source jar in maven

Disclaimer: I have solved this problem and am documenting the solution for the world to know.

How do I create and install a *-sources.jar containing "delomboked" source code in maven?

By default, The maven-source-plugin creates a sources jar without delomboking the source files, which causes projects that depend on the library binaries to complain about mismatching source files.


  • TL;DR (explained beneath)

    Add the following plugins configuration to your plugins configuration in the element of your pom.xml

                        <jar destfile="${}/${}-sources.jar"


    lombok-maven-plugin will enable you to delombok the source code (${project.basedir}/src/main/java) and place it in the target directory (${}/delombok). Usually this will place the code in the ${}/generated-sources/delombok folder, but because Intellij automatically considers this additional source-code, duplicate code errors will occur when developing your library, in order to stop this, just specify a non-default target directory (in this case just outside of the generated-sources dir).

    maven-resources-plugin is necessary in order to also copy resources from the standard ${project.basedir}/src/main/resources directory. If there are any other non-standard resource directories in your project, you should configure them in the resources section for this plugin.

    maven-antrun-plugin is used instead of the maven-source-plugin because you cannot specify a custom source directory in the latter. The jar task points to our custom "generated-sources" and produces the standard-named sources jar.

    maven-install-plugin install-file goal is used because you cannot attach jars using the install goal. We can hack a solution by manually installing a file using the install-file goal with a classifier of sources.

    I hope this helps others who are on struggle street like I was with this problem.