final Consumer<T> localConsumer = this::accept;
isActive -> {
if (isActive) publisher.add(localConsumer);
else publisher.remove(localConsumer);
When instanceSubscriptorManager
is unable to receive any more boolean values, the last thing to be performed will be a false
as isActive, removing localConsumer
from publisher
How is localConsumer
"aware" that instanceSubscriptorManager
will be unable to receive an isActive -> true (again) sometime in the future, especially since the class is self-referencing itself?
In short, this class is hold by both ends, the this::accept
hold by the publisher
which in turn is hold by this.insatnceSubscriptorManager
receiving trues or falses.
This tells me that the JVM must create an index of references that is not looking at things from an OOP perspective, instead it treats all variables, local or instanced as independent nodes.
If the "thing" that delivers instanceSubscriptorManager
trues or falses gets GC'd, is it reason enough for the Garbage Collector to determine that the references captured by the baseSubscribe interface should no longer be captured, freeing the publisher in the process?
OR should we still need to execute an unsubscribe()
I wonder if there's a limit to the "depth" of the collected branch, How many subscribers/Consumers could be linked to one another until the GC can no longer detach them all if a node get's detached?
No, as you wrote it? publisher
is stick and never gets GCed.
The cheap fix is to 'just call unsubscribe
in a timely fashion', but that will probably sound about as useful to you as telling a leg amputee to just 'grow the leg back'.
You can have a system that will 'auto unsubscribe' an event listener at the appropriate time based on GC eligibility of objects.
not be GCed?If you're already clear on this and just needed it confirmed, scroll to the next section.
The publisher
variable is cloned. That's why any variables you use in lambdas are required to either be declared final
or 'effectively final' (meaning: If you shove final
on it, it wouldn't be a problem, in which the compiler will do that for you). Just making copies of things that change would be highly confusing.
Thus, The lambda here (everything from isActive ->
to the end of the brace) is, for GC purposes, encapsulated in an object, and a ref to whatever publisher
is pointing at is part of this object. As in, it has a field, with that value.
This object is then handed to the baseSubscribe
Assuming that:
is pointing at an object that is not eligible for GC.publisher
.Then, voila - GCing of whatever publisher is pointing at will now never happen. It's 'stuck', due to being perenially reachable from instanceSubscriptorManager
which we just axiomatically stated isn't going away. (However, if publisher is the only way to get to instanceSubscriptorManager
, and instanceSubscriptorManager
is the only way to get to publisher
, there's no problem here - java does not suffer from the inability to clean up cyclic orphan chains, unlike, say, Apple's refcount GC impl for ObjC and, I think, swift).
This (management of fleeting event handlers) is an intractably hard problem that just about every event system out there 'solves' by offering you a subscribe
method, an unsubscribe
method, and a sincere wish for good fortune and luck. You figure out how to manage it with those 2 primitives, that's all you get.
Which, for many application domains that want to employ fleeting handlers ('fleeting' as in: You'd like for them to be eligible for GC, and you make an infinite amount of them if the app runs forever) - sucks.
One obvious reason that the unsubscribe
part feels so cruddy is that most app domains simply do not have fleeting handlers. The amount of times .subscribe()
is invoked for the lifetime of an app is a constant value, and the handler objects you pass to the event source are intended to live forever.
But when that is not what you want, as you appear to run into here (i.e., you want fleeting handlers), it's vastly more convenient to use the tools in the java.lang.ref
package: WeakReferences and reference queues.
See, you can subscribe to java's own GC system! You can turn an object into a soft or weak ref (the difference? The javadoc will explain, it gets a little complicated. You probably want Weak), and then ask the GC system if the object it would be pointing at is GCed or not, and even ask to be notified once it is.
This gets to a different paradigm for subscribe/unsubscribe. Instead of:
and this will also relinquish the reachability from the eventsource to the object; it will no longer impede GCyou can do a much better job. Simply do:
In particular, you have the concept of a java.lang.ref.WeakReference
, which lets you apply a layer of indirection and disconnect the referencability chain:
class SomethingLongLived {
private final Object field;
void code() {
field = new Object();
In the above, that object we make can't be GCed until the instance of SomethingLongLived
goes away, which for the purposes of these examples, it won't. But now it can be:
class SomethingLongLived {
private final WeakReference<Object> field;
void code() {
field = new WeakReference<Object>(new Object());
The WeakReference object itself cannot be collected of course, but the general idea is, a WeakRef object is itself tiny, and presumably the object you're interested in is either huge, or you are interested in it solely to keep track of whether it is eligible for GC or not. You can ask a WeakReference object for the 'referrant', but that will return null
if the referrant is already GCed or in the final phases (one of the last things that happens to an object before the memory it occupied is truly marked as 'free', is that any WeakReference
links to it are nulled out. After that, there isn't any way to get at that object, period).
Your event firing code can be as simple as checking the associated weakref first. If it is null, do NOT send the event to the associated eventhandler, and remove the weakref+eventhandler pair from the list of handlers.
Note that it can still be complicated: If the eventhandler itself has a way to reach the watch object, then they never ever go away: The event source can reach the handler, the handler can reach the watch: Nothing ever gets GCed. Watch management is therefore a bit tricky sometimes.
You can, if you want, simplify this system by making the event handler itself the watch - the event source doesn't prevent GC of any of the handlers subscribed to it; that'd be the responsibility of callers. But in practice this doesn't work out nicely, and you're at significant risk of creating a chain that then prevents all GCs. Much better to have trivial watch objects (literally trivial: new Object()
- its only purpose is for the event source to observe whether it's been GCed), and find a place to store a ref to this thing, so that 'if that place gets GCed - the watch goes with it, and the event handler is unsubscribed automatically as well'.
For what its worth, I am not aware of any event source system that works this way, which is slightly odd, as it seems much nicer than an unsubscribe
A basic implementation:
public class WindowSystem {
// This class represents an 'event source'.
// you can subscribe to these.
public interface MouseMovedHandler {
void mouseAt(int x, int y);
private static class HandlerContainer {
WeakReference<Object> watch;
MouseMovedHandler handler;
private final List<HandlerContainer> handlers =
new ArrayList<HandlerContainer>();
// NB: WARNING - this code is not threadsafe.
// it needs to be - exercise left to the reader.
public void subscribe(@NonNull Object watch, @NonNull MouseMovedHandler handler) {
handlers.add(new HandlerContainer(new WeakReference<>(watch), handler));
void mainLoop() {
// This code is called a lot by some separate thread managing
// the window
// ... the mouse is moved...
fireMouseMoveEvent(x, y);
private void fireMouseMoveEvent(int x, int y) {
var it = handlers.iterator();
while (it.hasNext()) {
var c =;
if (c.getWatch().get() == null) {
} else {
c.getHandler().mouseAt(x, y);
There's a lot more to it: Clearing stuff from the middle of enormous arraylists isn't efficient, sometimes you want separate threads for firing events, obviously the above is going to explode because you're modifying a single object from 2 separate threads (window loop, and whatever code is calling .subscribe
), so it needs to use a relevant list type from java.util.concurrent
(also check out WeakHashMap
which is relevant to this kind of thing), or have some synchronized
or j.u.c.Lock
based code added, etc.
But, hopefully the idea is clear: That's how you 'auto unsubscribe' things based on the GC system.