Search code examples

TSQL - Auto Increment in an UPDATE statement

SQL Server 2005

I have a table containing the following: -

[order_id]     [index_1]
600020001      0
600020002      0
600020002      0
600020002      0
600020003      0

which needs to be updated to: -

[order_id]     [index_1]
600020001      1
600020002      1
600020002      2
600020002      3
600020003      1  

I am trying to write an UPDATE statement that will populate the index_1 field, as per the example above. I can acheive this using a CURSOR, but ideally would like to do it without if possible.

For each new order_id the numbering restarts. For each order_id row the index_1 field is incremented by 1.

Is it possible to do this without a cursor?


  • You can use a CTE and row_number() to do what you want. The table @T in the code below is only for demonstration. Replace @T with whatever your table is called.

    declare @T table ([order_id] int, [index_1] int)
    insert into @T values
    (600020001,      0),
    (600020002,      0),
    (600020002,      0),
    (600020002,      0),
    (600020003,      0)
    ;with cte as
      select index_1,
             row_number() over(partition by order_id order by (select 1)) as rn
      from @T       
    update cte 
      set index_1 = rn
    select *
    from @T


    order_id    index_1
    ----------- -----------
    600020001   1
    600020002   1
    600020002   2
    600020002   3
    600020003   1