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SQLdevelopersfruit puzzle

I have Fruits table with two columns Item and Count

Item Count
Apple 5
Banana 3
Apple 2
Banana 7
Kiwi 3

I need output as

Item Count
Apple 7
Banana 10
Kiwi 3

I tried using :

 [Items] ,
 sum(case when [Items] = 'Apple' then 1 else 0 end) as Apple,
 sum(case when [Items] = 'Banana' then 1 else 0 end) as Banana,
 sum(case when [Items] = 'Kiwi' then 1 else 0 end) as Kiwi
group by
order by [Items]

But it gives me wrong output

Items Apple Banana Kiwi
Apple 2 0 0
Banana 0 2 0
Kiwi 0 0 1

Could you please suggest thank you.


  • You don't need conditional aggregation in this use case. Their purpose is to only count or sum values from specific rows (and ignore others). But you want to consider all rows.

    Even if you don't exclude rows, your query counts the occurences of items in rows, not the values they have in the Count column. There are two rows with Item Apple, so you get 2.

    A trivial GROUP BY clause is enough here to produce the expected result, just sum up the Count values per Item:

      SUM([Count]) AS [Count]
    FROM fruits
    GROUP BY Item
    ORDER BY Item;

    See this sample fiddle