I am currently trying to use the new "interactiveTransactions" preview feature of Prisma. However, it does not seem to actually make my database changes as a transaction.
I am trying to update an incremental number on my school table whenever I create a new report.
This is how my tables look like:
model Report {
id String @id @default(cuid())
name String
publicId Int
schoolId String
school @relation(fields: [schoolId], references: [id])
@@unique([publicId, schoolId])
model School {
id String @id @default(cuid())
name String
incrementalReportNumber Int @default(1001)
reports Report[]
my code to increment the number whenever I am creating a new report looks like this:
report = await prisma.$transaction(async () => {
// get current report number
const school = await prisma.school.findUnique({
where: {
id: school.id
const newIncrementalReportNumber = school.incrementalReportNumber + 1;
// Increase incrementalReportNumber
await prisma.school.update({
where: { id: school.id },
data: {
incrementalReportNumber: newIncrementalReportNumber
// Create report
const newReport = await prisma.report.create({
data: {
publicId: newIncrementalReportNumber,
name: 'new report'
// Return
return newReport;
When I create multiple reports at the same time I get an "Unique constraint failed" error,
the Error PrismaClientKnownRequestError: Unique constraint failed on the fields: (`publicId`,`schoolId`)
because when I get incrementalReportNumber, some process have same value, despite other process already increment it.
I registered the "interactiveTransactions" preview feature with prisma like this:
datasource db {
provider = "postgresql"
url = env("DATABASE_URL")
generator client {
provider = "prisma-client-js"
previewFeatures = ["interactiveTransactions"]
I am using Prisma version "3.2.1"
I realized, that for your specific usecase you could also increment your incrementalReportNumber
with an atomic number operation
This avoids the need for a stricter transaction isolation level, because you only run update queries and avoid all read queries:
const report = await prisma.$transaction(async (prisma) => {
const school = await prisma.school.update({
where: { id: schoolId },
data: {
incrementalReportNumber: {
// increment the report number here
increment: 1,
const newReport = await prisma.report.create({
data: {
publicId: school.incrementalReportNumber,
schoolId: school.id,
name: reportName,
return newReport;