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svelte two components to access same object

In my app, I have a route map.svelte

This has two child components: Map.svelte and LayerSelector.svelte

Map.svelte creates an OpenLayers map instance. LayerSelector.svelte needs to access this instance.

I am declaring the map instance in map.svelte and binding it to the two components, but do not appear to be able to access it in LayerSelector.svelte


  import Map from '../components/Map.svelte';
  import MapLayerSelectorDialog from '../components/LayerSelector.svelte';
  let map;

<div class="map" id="map">
 <Map organisation={organisation} meta={meta} 
  showBackControl="true" showEditControl="true" showSearchControl="true"

<MapLayerSelectorDialog bind:showDialog={showLayerSelectorDialog}
  bind:meta = {meta}


export let map = null;
onMount(async () => {
  map = await initMap ('map', organisation, meta, startCoords);


export async function initMap (div, organisation, meta, startCoords) {
  var map = new Map({
    target: div, //'map',
    view: new View({
      center: fromLonLat ([1330601.87, 7916443.12]),
      zoom: 12,
  addLayers (map, meta);


export let map
{#each map.getLayers() as layer}

Where might I be going wrong? Do I need to put the OpenLayers map instance in a writeable store mayebe?


  • Per se, your code should work. You can have two-way bindings of the variable to two separate child components like you are doing and then have one of them initialize it.

    I created a REPL that illustrates that it's possible.

    When you say you are not able to access the variable, what do you mean? You get an unexpected value or an error?

    I suspect that the problem you have is that map will be undefined for a brief period before onMount runs. And LayerSelector will throw an error if map is not set.

    If that is the issue, replacing map.getLayers() with e.g. map ? map.getLayers() : [] will fix it.

    That said, having a lot of two-way bindings makes for unclear data flow. I'd consider initializing the variable in map.svelte and then simply passing it to the other components to simplify the data flow a bit.