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PowerShell Get the Friday 12 Months From This Friday

I'm currently writing a PowerShell script for backup tapes and trying to calculate return dates of the tapes. Tapes are picked up and returned by our provider on Fridays. Retention periods are 4 weeks, 12 months and 3 years. Monthly tapesets fall on the first Monday of the month so I'm currently working with a monthly tapeset, which will return 12 months from now. How would I calculate 12 months from Friday 10/08/2021, but make sure the return date is also a Friday?

#Calculate Friday - Vaulting Date
$Friday = (Get-Date).AddDays(5-((Get-Date).DayOfWeek.value__)).ToString("MM/dd/yyyy")

#Calculate Return Dates
$Weekly = (Get-Date).AddDays(5-((Get-Date).DayOfWeek.value__)).AddDays(28).ToString("MM/dd/yyyy")
$Monthly = (Get-Date).AddDays(5-((Get-Date).DayOfWeek.value__)).AddMonths(12).ToString("MM/dd/yyyy")
$Yearly = (Get-Date).AddDays(5-((Get-Date).DayOfWeek.value__)).AddYears(3).ToString("MM/dd/yyyy")

$Monthly currently returns 10/08/2022 which is the Saturday after the date I want. I presume I'd run into the same problem with $Yearly as well, and what if it's a leap year? Any assistance would greatly be appreciated.


  • You were on the right track, except:

    • Your $someDate.AddDays(5-($someDate.DayOfWeek)) method of finding the Friday that falls into the same week as $someDate must be applied after the .AddMonths(), ... calls, i.e. to the results of the future-date-by-offset values.

      • Note: Due to basing your calculation on the System.DayOfWeek enumeration, which ranges from value 0 (Sunday) to value 6 (Saturday), the implication is that, relative to the given date:

        • For Sunday through Thursday, you'll find the following Friday.
        • For Friday, you'll find that day itself.
        • For Saturday, you'll find the previous Friday, i.e. the day before.
    • Generally, as Mathias points out in his answer, you should work with [datetime] instances while performing date calculations and apply formatting (conversion to string representations) only to the calculation results.

      • Note: [datetimeoffset] would even be better, due to unambiguously denoting absolute points in time;[1] while you can work with this .NET type directly, PowerShell itself unfortunately doesn't offer first-class support for it (yet), such as via Get-Date; several feature requests are pending as of PowerShell 7.2 - see this GitHub search.

    To put it all together:

    # Get today's date without a time-of-day component (via .Date)
    # Note: Not strictly necessary, if you use the results only as
    #       formatted date-only strings.
    $today = (Get-Date).Date
    # Find this week's Friday.
    $thisFriday = ($today).AddDays(5-($today.DayOfWeek))
    # Add an offset.
    $futureDate = $thisFriday.AddYears(1)
    # Find the future date's adjacent Friday.
    $futureFriday = $futureDate.AddDays(5-$futureDate.DayOfWeek)
    # Output the result via an aux. object that results in tabular display.
    [pscustomobject] @{
      ThisFriday = $thisFriday.ToString('MM/dd/yyyy')
      FutureFriday = $futureFriday.ToString('MM/dd/yyyy')

    You'll see output such as the following:

    ThisFriday FutureFriday
    ---------- ------------
    10/08/2021 10/07/2022

    [1] [datetimeoffset] is also DST-aware (aware of daylight-saving time) when performing calculations, whereas [datetime] appears not to be. This means that even when adding full days to [datetimeoffset] instances, a calendar-day boundary may be crossed if there is an intervening DST transition.