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How to do SUMPRODUCT with percentage and blank cells

I am trying to do SUMPRODUCT in Google Sheets but in a more complicated situation.

I want to sum product with percentage instead of decimal number.

This is what I am doing now, and it works just fine:

A       B       C       D

        Price   Tax     Cashback
        100     1.09    0.95
        80      1       1
        50      1.09    0.95
Total   =SUMPRODUCT(B:B, C:C, D:D)

What I actually want to do is

A       B       C       D

        Price   Tax     Cashback
        100     9%      5%
        50      9%      5%
Total   ???


  • Use

    =SUMPRODUCT(B2:B, 1+C2:C, 1-D2:D)

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