Here is what I tried doing:
Public Interface IDAO(Of T) : Inherits IDAO
Default Property Value(i As ULong) As T
Function Append(ts As ICollection(Of T)) As ULong
Function Remove(f As Predicate(Of T)) As ICollection(Of T)
Function GetRestricted(f As Predicate(Of T)) As ICollection(Of T)
Function RemoveFirst(f As Predicate(Of T)) As T
Function GetFirst(f As Predicate(Of T)) As T
End Interface
Function(mock As IDAO(Of T)) mock.Value(Arg.Any(Of ULong)) = Arg.Any(Of T)()
Sub(c As Core.CallInfo) Exit Sub 'Value(i) ... Set(v) ... = v
The pattern selector Function(mock As IDAO(Of T)) mock.Value(Arg.Any(Of ULong)) = Arg.Any(Of T)()
does not work; and even if it did I have no clue how I would utilise the CallInfo
object in the Do
I'm not sure on how to do this in VB, but here is how to do it in C# and hopefully you or another person can translate.
public interface IDao
ulong Value { get; set; }
[SuppressMessage("Argument specification", "NS3002:Can not find an argument to this call.", Justification = "Used in property set")]
public void PropertySetExample() {
var sub = Substitute.For<IDao>();
var value = 0ul;
sub.WhenForAnyArgs(x => x.Value = 0ul).Do(callInfo =>
// This will be called when sub.Value is set.
// For this example we just assign to a local variable.
value = callInfo.Arg<ulong>()
sub.Value = 42;
Assert.Equal(42ul, value);
(The SuppressMessage
is only required for NSubstitute.Analyzers as it is not sure about the arguments to the property set.)