So I have a complex form for creating an entity and I want to use it for editing as well I am using new angular forms API. I structured the form exactly as the data I retrieve from the database so I want to set the value of the whole form to the data retrieved here is an example to what i want to do:
this.form ={
b : [ "", Validators.required ],
c : [ "", Validators.required ],
d : [ "" ],
e : [ [] ],
f : [ "" ]
PS: NgModel doesn't work with new forms api also i don't mind using one way data binding in template as in
<input formControlName="d" value="[data.d]" />
that works but it would be a pain in case of the arrays
To set all FormGroup values use, setValue:
formControlName1: myValue1,
formControlName2: myValue2
To set only some values, use patchValue:
formControlName1: myValue1,
// formControlName2: myValue2 (can be omitted)
With this second technique, not all values need to be supplied and fields whos values were not set will not be affected.