I want to start developing for Linux, but Linux is not available as build destination platform. Windows, Android, macOS and iOS are within the IDE's list. The package that is missing is named "FMXLinux" as far as I found out.
I tried the following:
getitcmd -i=fmxlinux
to do a manual installation, failedgetitcmd -l=linux
and getitcmd -l=fmxlin*
, failedOn this website https://getitnow.embarcadero.com/fmxlinux/ the download link is missing for version 1.78 of the package. What can I try else? Is there a ZIP for manual installation available for registered users?
Unfortunately, FMXLinux's author, Eugene Kryukov, recently passed away:
At the time of this writing, Embarcadero no longer has a valid legal agreement to include FMXLinux with Delphi 12.2. They are actively working on getting a new agreement with Eugene's estate.
In the meantime, you can try the following command:
getitcmd -i=fmxlinux-12-1.78