These are samples of the two tables I have:
Table 1
material_id (int) codes (jsonb)
--------------------- -------------------------------
1 ['A-12','B-19','A-14','X-22']
2 ['X-106','A-12','X-22','B-19']
Table 2
user_id material_list (jsonb)
----------- --------------------
1 [2,3]
2 [1,2]
Table 1 contains material IDs and an array of codes associated with that material.
Table 2 contains user IDs. Each user has a list of materials associated with it and this is saved an an array of material IDs
I want to fetch a list of user IDs for all materials having certain codes. This is the query I tried, but it threw a syntax error:
SELECT user_id from table2
WHERE material_list ?| array(SELECT material_id
FROM table1 where codes ?| ['A-12','B-19]);
I am unable to figure out how to fix it.
Your query fails for multiple reasons.
First, ['A-12','B-19]
isn't a valid Postgres text array. Either use an array constant or an array constructor:
Next, the operator ?|
demands text[]
to the right, while you provide int[]
Finally, it wouldn't work anyway, as the operator ?|
checks for JSON strings, not numbers. The manual:
Do any of the strings in the text array exist as top-level keys or array elements?
Convert the JSON array to a Postgres integer array, then use the array overlap operator &&
SELECT user_id
FROM tbl2
WHERE ARRAY(SELECT jsonb_array_elements_text(material_list)::int)
&& ARRAY(SELECT material_id FROM tbl1 where codes ?| array['A-12','B-19']);
I strongly suggest to alter your table to convert the JSON array in material_list
to a Postgres integer array (int[]
) for good. See:
Then the query gets simpler:
SELECT user_id
FROM tbl2
WHERE material_list && ARRAY(SELECT material_id FROM tbl1 where codes ?| '{A-12,B-19}');
db<>fiddle here
Or - dare I say it? - properly normalize your relational design. See: