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`solana airdrop 10 <pub-key>` Error: connection timed out

I am running:

solana airdrop 10 7Fbdg5vecamm8MLxDw7bPN2xENaBE7fP65tKW935BEhq

Where 7Fbdg5vecamm8MLxDw7bPN2xENaBE7fP65tKW935BEhq is my public key.

However, I'm getting the following output:

Requesting airdrop of 10 SOL from
Error: connection timed out

My config is:

$ solana config get
Config File: /Users/patrick/.config/solana/cli/config.yml
WebSocket URL: wss:// (computed)
Keypair Path: /Users/patrick/.config/solana/id.json 


  • It looks like you did everything right, so it could be a few things:

    • You were requesting too much SOL all at once. Typically, you should airdrop 1 at a time.
    • The network was bogged down at the time. This can happen, especially on devnet
    • The Solana tool suite is out of date. Be sure to update to the latest version, which is 1.7.10 at the time of writing, using solana-install init 1.7.10

    One of those should do the trick!