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Solana - leader validator and incrementing field

As I understand it, Solana will elect a leader each round and there will be multiple validators handling the transactions independently. The leader will then consolidate all the transactions.

From this understanding, I'm curious how Solana actually handles programs which increment a field. So lets say we have this counter field, which increases by 1 each time the program is called. What happens if 10 different users calls this program at the same time, how will this work if the 10 transactions are handled by the ten validators independently. For example at the start of the round, counter=50 and during the round, ten different validators handles the transactions separately so each validator will increase the counter=51. When the leader gets back all the txns, it will say counter=51, what happens in this scenario?

I feel like there is something missing in my assumptions.


  • So my understanding here seems to be incorrect. It is actually the leader who executes the transactions and the validators who are verifying the transactions.

    Source Page 2 - Section 3 -

    As shown in Figure 1, at any given time a system node is designated as Leader to generate a Proof of History sequence, providing the network global read consistency and a verifiable passage of time. The Leader sequences user messages and orders them such that they can be efficiently processed by other nodes in the system, maximizing throughput. It executes the transactions on the current state that is stored in RAM and publishes the transactions and a signature of the final state to the replications nodes called Verifiers. Verifiers execute the same transactions on their copies of the state, and publish their computed signatures of the state as confirmations. The published confirmations serve as votes for the consensus algorithm.