I understand that in c self-referential structures are allowed but the self-included ones are not. Borrowing the example here:
struct a
int someVar;
a bad;
struct a
int someVar;
a* good;
But in Java the following class is valid:
class Node {
int val;
Node next;
This looks more like the invalid example in c. My question is: why is this legal in Java?
I have a feeling that this is related to the fact that in Java you only have access to references (like pointers), not the actual objects, but I still don't fully understand this. And searching for "self-referential in Java" does not give a lot of related information. Can anyone give some hints? Thanks!
Java hides some implementation details from you that C does not.
In Java, any instance of a class is a reference i.e. a pointer to an object without explicitly using a pointer.
In C there are no references, only values. So you need to explicitly use a pointer value to hold the address of an object to essentially have a reference to it.