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Teradata REGEX or SUBSTR to remove the text between two *'s and the asterisk?

I'm working in teradata with a dataset that has several occurrences of data in the following format:


In the dataset above I'm attempting to extract everything after the second occurrence of an asterick. I.E. D.IMP, IMP, T.IMPLANTS, F.IMPLANT, etc..

I've attempted to use SUBSTR and came close using:


But, that only returns the data after the first *.

I believe the best solution to solve problem would be using a REGEX expression or SUBSTR. There is a function in teradata called REGEXP_SUBSTR. I'm not exactly sure how to create a REGEX statement to solve my problem.


  • If you only ever have 2 asterisks in your string, you can use STRTOK:

    strtok(<source string>,'*',2)