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Regex split where \# splits and \\# does not

I need to split some text but \\ means a single \ and \ is an indicator for a literal character. I have started with the following code but it is fooled by \\. so \# (# preceded by 0 or an even number of 's ) would split but # (# preceded by odd number of 's ) would not split

string message = @"1#2\\#3#3\#still 3#4\\\# still 4";
var v = Regex.Split(message, @"(?<!\\)#")

I would like the message to come out as

3\#still 3
4\\\# still 4

but cannot figure out how to ignore the \\ instances so mine comes out as

3\#still 3
4\\\# still 4


  • It will be easier to do this with Matches than with Split, as you can then pair as many escaping slashes with the subsequent character as needed:

        var v = Regex.Matches(message, @"(\\.|[^#])+")
                      .Select(m => m.Value)

    Make sure to include using System.Linq;